Despite the hard work (much made by our fellow neighbours Norway) to promote Rule-by-Law in Afghanistan, the juridical system is not much appreciated and well-functioning yet. About half of the population still thinks that the informal way of solving things is the way to go, and many have been cheering as president Karzai have started to order death penalties again. "Not all that the Taliban did was bad", some say, and a 23-year-old teacher burned in an acid attack on 15 schoolgirls and instructors wants the Afghan government to throw acid on her attackers and then hang them. On the picture is a diving tower close to where we live and work, visible from far away, where the Taliban hung people regularly to spread fear in Kabul. The situation today is similar to the one in Sweden with the Christian Democrats and weddings - the leader feels the pressure from the voters to stick to old traditions in order to maintain his position and support. However, in this case, the leader gets his will through, and we will surely witness more of this as the election comes closer.
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