Sunday, December 7, 2008

Eid al-Adha

Since about half an hour, we celebrate in Afghanistan that Ibrahim (Abraham) had the courage to kill his son when God told him to.  As you probably know, God sent a sheep to be killed instead, and now all Muslims sacrifice (and eat) sheep to remember how brave Ibrahim was.

The whole city of Kabul is tense at the moment, because everyone expects something big to happen during the holiday. Roads are blocked and security increased. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

The Eid can in some ways be compared to our western Christmas, and although the Muslims rather give each other visits and food, I have a gift for you: The popcorn man.


  1. Santa brings snow, the Popcorn Man brings...popcorn!

  2. :) Mysigt med popcornmannen. Kramy!
