One thing that never leaves me or anyone else here in Kabul is the everyday reminder of the horrible incidents that have happened and will happen. The centre of the city is not very big, and not a day passes without seeing one or several sights where innocent people have lost their lives. In the hotel lobby, in the gym, outside our new houses, in the buildings we pass every day seen on the pictures above... those are just a few examples of locations reminding us of how safe we are in our countries back home.
You can't of course be scared or sad all the time if you want to get some work done, and among the workers here there is a very special attitude towards safety regulations and threats. One example of this is the ironic "paranoia party" held a few days ago, with the invitation reminding us of that nothing had happened in two weeks. Despite the fact that the joke came true with a bombing the same day as the party, everything continued according to plan. Below are two snapshots from the night.
Wow!!! "the ironic 'paranoia party'"! That's wonderful. We miss you. Lena says hi.